DP Safety Flash: Dealing with the Unexpected

Medea, conscious of the importance of sharing information and lessons learnt, strongly intends to promulgate DP safety culture.

A help in such a direction is done by passing IMCA DP Safety Flashes to Medea’s Customers, Followers and Subscrivers. In this article Medea highlights on IMCA DP Safety Flashes no. 2/2015 with subject: DP Management – Dealing with the Unexpected.
Shortly, attention is drawn on the good practice to be put in place in order to have means and tools to monitor, prevent and mitigate unexpected events when in DP.

Full details of the DP SF can be found here: http://www.imca-int.com/media/207547/imca_dp_safety_flash_02-15.pdf

Examples of tool for “dealing with the Unexpcted” could be:

  • DP Operation Manual “ship specific”
  • Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tool (CAMO, ASOG, TAM)
  • Footprint Verification
  • Drills
  • DP Annual Audit with experienced Auditors

For futher information and inquiry you may contact Medea at the following:

  • 24/7 telephone: +39.348.40.92.178
  • general email: info@medeadesign.com

Source: http://www.imca-int.com/safety-environment-and-legislation/safety-flashes/dp-safety-flashes/2015.aspx

DP Safety Flash: Dealing with the Unexpected